The 2023 Cyprus Chess Tour is a series of chess tournaments in which the participating players are eligible to earn Cyprus Chess Tour Points in accordance with their final rank in each Event. At the end of the 2023 CCT Season, bonus payments totalling EUR 300 will be paid out to the top 3 finalists based on the accumulated CCT Points over the season. The season will start with a rapid tournament in Kalavasos; followed by three other tournaments in Lefkara, Zygi and Pyrga; and will conclude with the final classical event in Sia Village. The full schedule for the 2023 CCT season is as follows:
- March 19th, Rapid Tournament in Kalavasos
- May 28th, Rapid Tournament in Lefkara
- June 25th, Blitz Tournament in Zygi
- Sept 3rd, Rapid Tournament in Pyrga
- Oct-Nov 2022, Classical Tournament in Sia

Tour Points shall be awarded based on the final ranking of player in each event as set out below. The same point allocations shall apply to both the classical and rapid/blitz events.
The points collected in each event will be added up and the ranking table below will be compiled. Below is the ranking after the 3rd stop of the Cyprus Chess Tour 2023.
- The organiser shall award trophies to the players taking the first three places in each event. (additional trophies will be awarded in the special u12 category)
- The three players who score the most CCT Points over the course of the 2023 Season shall be awarded Bonus Payments as follows: 1st: EUR 180, 2nd: EUR 80, 3rd EUR: 40 (Total: EUR 300)
- The first U12 player who score the most CCT Tour Points over the course of the 2023 Season shall be awarded with a handmade Byzantine chessboard, offered by IGNITIONS X SERENDIPITY.
- [accordion]
- What are the tournament rules & formats?
- Kaissa Chess Club will use the Swiss System. In this system, players will play against each other. No one is eliminated. In fact, as you continue to win games, you face progressively stronger opposition players and those who were not so successful play against each other. Towards the end of the event, you are likely to face players at your level.
- Is it mandatory to participate in all events of the Cyprus Chess Tour 2023?
- No, it is not compulsory to participate in all events of CCT 2023, but your absence will deprive you of the right to earn more tour points.
- How are the players paired with each other?
- Players are paired with each other according to the following general principles: (a) A player is not paired with any other player more than once. (b) Players with the same score are paired whenever possible. (c) Colors are assigned as fairly as possible. Alternating the colors is ideal. (d) For the first round, the players are ranked according to their last official rating. If you are an UNRATED player, then you might be paired randomly. (e) The top player in the upper half is then paired against the top player in the lower half of the field, and so on. The top-ranked player’s color in the first round is normally allocated by lot, and then colors alternate down the halves. (f) In the second round, swiss system uses the same principles to pair each of the three score groups (those who won, those who drew, and those who lost). These pairing procedures will continue through the rest of the tournament.
- Where can i locate the pairings?
- Pairings (match-up) will be automatically posted before and after each round. This can be seen in the chess-results webpage.
- How are scores determined?
- For every win, you receive 1 point. For draw, you receive ½ point and for every loss, you receive 0 point.
- How are tie breaks calculated?
- If there is a tie for first three places in the overall standings of the 2023 CCT at the end of the 2023 Cyprus Chess Tour, the tie(s) shall be broken by playoff. For more information you can read the 2023 CCT tiebreak regulations. In case of ties in any of the CCT events, the tie shall be broken in priority according to the following criteria for Swiss events:(a) Direct Encounter (only if all tied have played each other) (b) Buchholz Cut 1 (c) Buchholz (d) Sonneborn-Berger score (e) The greater number of wins
- Can players request a bye for a specific round in a classical chess tournament?
- Yes, from rounds 1 to 5, players may request a half point bye where they know they will not be able to come due to other commitments or other unforeseen circumstances. Bye request is only allowed once during the tournament.
- Is it possible for a player to get 2 awards?
- No, If a player wins two categories prices, he/she takes the bigger one. For example, if a player is 2nd in the overall championship standings and first in his/her age group, then he/she will receive a trophy for second place in the overall standings (overall standings > age category).
- Is Cyprus Chess Tour 2023 a FIDE rated tournament?
- No, CCT 2023 is not a FIDE-rated tournament.
- Will you publish the results? How?
- Yes, winner's names will be announced on Website Hall of Fame, in the chess-results webpage and on our Social Media.